Write Your Own High-Converting Sales Page from Scratch in 30 Minutes or Less with My Unconventional "Mad Lib Style" Fill in the Blank Tool

(Even if you think you suck at writing copy or you've previously paid copywriters THOUSANDS without results!)

Without a Doubt, Writing Sales Page Copy
is the #1 Skill to Learn as a Digital Creator

But for most of us, the words don't come easy....

The right words will make your ideal clients immediately connect with you - letting you sell more of your products in your sleep.
  •  It has very little to do with the design, layout or button colors.
  •  It will MAKE OR BREAK whether your products and programs sell or totally flop.
  • It can feel suuuper awkward to write without understanding the flow of what to say and where - leaving you staring at a blank Google Doc for hours before ultimately giving up and spending thousands to hire it out to someone who doesn't actually "get you".

After coaching thousands of entrepreneurs through the process... I realized there HAD TO BE an easier way. 

So I created one. 

The truth is, you don't have to be one of the great copywriting gurus to sell stuff with your words alone - in fact, it's pretty easy if you can master a few of the "simple tactics" I'll show you inside of this tool. 

It's time to stop dreading writing your sales pages.

I'll show you how to master copy without.... 

  • Needing to spend months studying and practicing the art of writing copy 
  • Relying on AI copywriting tools alone - (knowing that doesn't follow the true emotional connection of the sales page conversion flow I'll show you here)
  • Sabotaging your sales before you've even tried to fully launch your product into the world. (Listen, I get it, I've been there, but we can do better!)
  • ​Feeling the need to "write and rewrite", keeping your words hidden in your Word doc, overthinking every word.
  • ​Thinking you're not cut out for this online business world because you seem to be missing this key skillset.

The truth is... 

You're only one sales page away from actually making money with your product.

And getting it done is much easier (and less expensive!) than you've ever imagined.



Here's what you get...

The Quiz and Simple Sales Page System

Just complete a 47-question quiz (if you can tell me your name and who you serve, this will be a piece of cake), and then watch the system slay your sales page section by section, into one complete and customizable final page - which you can copy and paste into your own sales page software - no matter what you currently use!

Mock-Up Masterclass

I'll show you how to make page and product mock-ups that stand out and get your buyers saying "YES!" even faster. 

As a graphic designer and funnel builder, I'll also share my "design hacks" and the time saving tricks I've learned to build beautiful funnel pages quickly.

Sales Page Canva Templates

These Canva templates are broken down into each of the 24 sales page sections needed for maximum conversion, so that you can map out your design elements and download each section for a consistently flowing and well-designed sales page, too.

BONUS: Example Swipe Files (Sales Pages, Emails, Ads and More!)

I'll show you the exact steps, page examples and templates, including email swipe and more. These "extras" alone are worth the $37 this product costs.

I'll break it down so that it's simple to understand, even if you're a total newbie at copywriting. It's like nothing you've ever seen before, and these pages will position you as a trusted authority.

Done-for-You, Pre-Written, Fill-in-the-Blank Copy Templates For Everything You'll Need To Finally Sell Your Products And Services Online Including... 

BONUS: Two Hour Direct Response Copywriting Workshop

I'll show you the exact steps, page examples and templates, including email swipe and more. These "extras" alone are worth the $37 this product costs.

I'll break it down so that it's simple to understand, even if you're a total newbie at copywriting. It's like nothing you've ever seen before, and these pages will position you as a trusted authority.

Done-for-You, Pre-Written, Fill-in-the-Blank Copy Templates For Everything You'll Need To Finally Sell Your Products And Services Online Including... 

BONUS: Evergreen Webinar Bundle 

I've generated over $3M in my company using webinars, and I'll show you the exact steps, page examples and templates, including email swipe and more. These "extras" alone are worth the $37 this product costs.

I'll break it down so that it's simple to understand, even if you're a total newbie at copywriting. It's like nothing you've ever seen before, and these pages will position you as a trusted authority.

Done-for-You, Pre-Written, Fill-in-the-Blank Copy Templates For Everything You'll Need To Finally Sell Your Products And Services Online Including... 

Imagine writing copy that get's a response like this...

Hey, I'm Allie.

I'm a digital marketer and mother of three, living in Northern Minnesota. 

For a decade now, I've been teaching entrepreneurs about growing online businesses, and helping them to make more impact and reach more potential customers and clients inside of their businesses. 

Many of my clients are like me - I started as a service provider (designer, social media manager, website builder, you name it... I offered it). I started my own business to have more freedom in my life and realized that working with so many one on one clients was burning me out and making me resent my business, so I started to focus on leveraging my time by selling digital products and group coaching and I've never looked back. 

My business has generated over $5M in lifetime revenue and has helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs gain confidence in their marketing strategy (and themselves), so that they can get what they really want in life - flexibility in how they spend their time and financial freedom. 

I’m a small business owner just like you. I understand the risk you feel when deciding to invest in a digital product. You work hard for your money and don’t want to waste it on something that should have been a blog post.

I’m extremely proud of the products I create and I know anyone who buys them and implements the strategy will be thrilled with their purchase.

That’s why I’m offering a 30-day money-back guarantee. While I can’t guarantee that the calendar will quadruple your social media engagement or followers or dollar bills, I can guarantee your satisfaction with the quality of the calendar and the time and stress it will save you.

Of course, If you’re not happy with the calendar, I will refund your money within 30 days of your purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions

Simple sales page system - just $37

Perfect for online business owners ready to write high-converting sales pages in a fraction of the time.

Total Value: $2,670


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